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Vincent Truppo presents "Traditional Africa" x Tropicante SoundSistema

You know you doing something right when your music and channel reaches different corners of the world.

We were approached by Italian Vinyl collector and Selector Vincent Truppo expressing his appreciation to our channel and we worked together to produce his #tropistories mix "remotely"!

Vincent Truppo and this African vinyl selection was recorded at XTCR Record Store (Busto Arsizio), North of Italy.

Vincent Truppo is dedicated to researching and disseminating “Global South” of the world cultural heritage. Firstly, to defeat stereotypes and barriers related to this part of the world and secondly, to discover all the great things coming from these nations.

Vincent also runs a “Ordem e Progresso Atmosfere del Sud” podcast, focusing on ordinary stories from“Global South” of the world People and sharing African traditional music. Last African vinyl Vincent acquired was: Dumi-Maichi-Na Chi-Maraire e Nyunga Nyunga Mbira – Tichazomuona.


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